Creating a Simple Household Budget Template in Excel

Managing household expenses can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to balance bills, groceries, savings, and other daily costs. However, creating a budget can make everything much clearer, and Excel is an excellent tool to help you organize your finances in a simple, effective way.

In this guide, we’ll walk through how to create a basic household budget in Excel, step by step. By the end, you’ll have a household budget template that can track your income, expenses, and savings—all in one easy-to-use spreadsheet. If you’re looking for a free home budget template in Excel, this guide will help you set one up in no time.

Why Create a Household Budget?

A household budget is simply a plan for how you’ll spend your money each month. It allows you to see where your money is going and helps you make informed decisions about your finances. With a budget, you can ensure that your essential expenses are covered, reduce unnecessary spending, and work toward your financial goals, like saving for a vacation or paying off debt. Using a free household budget template can simplify this process by giving you a ready-made framework to build on.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Excel Spreadsheet

First, open Excel and create a new blank workbook. Think of this as your financial home base where you’ll track all your income and expenses. You can start from scratch or use our free home budget template in Excel to help you get started.

You’ll want to organize your spreadsheet into categories. Here’s a simple structure to start with:

Create a new Excel Workbook. Now, create 3 spreadsheets in that workbook naming: Income, Expenses and Summary.

  • income: In this sheet you can include all the sources of income like salary, freelancing, etc.
  • Expenses: In this sheet you can include all the household expenses like groceries, rent, etc.
  • Summary: In this sheet you will calculate the net saving after deducting the expenses from the income.

Step 2: Input Your Income

Start by entering your income in the 1st sheet. This could include your salary, your partner’s income, any side gigs, or other sources of money. In this sheet create a table with three columns: Date, Description, Amount

For example:

  • Column A: “August 1”. It describes the date
  • Column B: “Salary”. It describes the type of income
  • Column C: “$3,000”. It describes the amount.

You’ll continue to list your income sources as you receive them throughout the month.

Step 3: Add Your Expenses

Start adding your expenses in the 2nd sheet. Think about all the regular bills you pay each month, like rent or mortgage, utilities, groceries, transportation, and childcare. Also, include occasional expenses, like entertainment, dining out, and shopping.

In the Expense column, enter the amount you’ve spent for each item. For instance:

  • Column A: “August 3”. It describes the date
  • Column B: “Rent”. It describes the type of expense.
  • Column C: Housing. It describes the category of the expense i.e., Rent is being for the house but for some rent can be both for house and workplace as well.
  • Column D: “$1,200”. It describes the amount.

Do this for every expense that comes up throughout the month. You can update your household budget template daily, weekly, or whenever you make a payment.

Step 4: Calculate Your Balance

To keep track of how much money you have left after each transaction, you’ll need to calculate your balance. You will do this in the 3rd sheet of Summary.

>>Learn to use the SUM formula in Excel

For example, if you’ve earned $3,000 and spent $1,200 on rent, then you have $1,800 left. So, by using the formula as mentioned in our household budget template you can easily do the calculations.

Step 5: Create Categories for Your Expenses

To get a clearer picture of where your money is going, break down your expenses into categories. Common categories might include:

  • Housing: Rent or mortgage, utilities, property taxes
  • Groceries: Food and household supplies
  • Transportation: Gas, car maintenance, public transportation
  • Entertainment: Movies, dining out, subscriptions
  • Savings: Money set aside for emergencies or future goals

You can add these categories in a category column in the 2nd sheet. Then, at the end of the month, use Excel’s SUMIF function to calculate how much you spent in each category.

Step 6: Track Your Budget Over Time

One of the best things about Excel is that it allows you to track your budget over time. Each month, you can create a new workbook for that month’s budget. This will allow you to compare how your spending changes month to month, and you can look for patterns or areas where you might be overspending.

To keep the formulas and graphs in next month’s workbook, copy the current month’s expenses sheet, paste it to the folder, and rename the new pasted file to the desired month’s name.

Step 7: Analyze and Adjust

At the end of each month, take some time to review your budget. Did you overspend in any categories? Did you manage to save more than expected? Use this information to make adjustments for the next month’s budget.

For example, if you notice that dining out is taking up a large portion of your budget, you might decide to cut back in that area. On the other hand, if you’re on track with your savings, you might reward yourself with a little extra fun money.

Final Tips

  • Be consistent: Try to update your budget regularly so that it stays accurate.
  • Don’t stress about perfection: Your budget is a tool, not a strict rulebook. It’s okay if things don’t go exactly as planned—just adjust as you go.
  • Customize it: Your budget should reflect your unique situation. Feel free to add columns for anything you find helpful, such as notes, payment dates, or even a column to track how much you’re saving each month.


Creating a simple household budget in Excel is an easy and effective way to take control of your finances. By tracking your income and expenses, you can make smarter financial decisions, avoid overspending, and work toward your goals. Whether you’re saving for a rainy day or just trying to stay on top of your bills, a free household budgeting template in Excel can help you stay organized and on track.

Download our household budget template for reference.

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