How to use Subtraction Formula in Excel?

Subtraction Formula in Excel Definition with Formula:

There is no proper subtraction formula in excel. We can minus in excel using the “-” sign.

Formula: Value1-Value2

Explanation with Example Questions:

After teaching the concept of SUM function to her children, Brenda decides to teach subtraction formulas in excel. She sits in the living room and prepares some questions.

  • Subtract Columns in Excel
  • Subtract Multiple Cells in Excel
  • Subtract Dates in Excel
  • Subtract Time in Excel
subtraction in excel table

Now, coming to the answers:

Subtract Columns in Excel

Carly solves this problem by subtracting Column1 and Column2.

subtract in excel img1

Formula: =E6-F6

Answer: 49

After applying the subtraction formula in excel to one cell (H6), apply this to the entire column H by either drag down from the bottom right of the H6 cell or using the Fill option.

Subtract Multiple Cells in Excel

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Formula: =G10-G11-G12

Answer: 12

Subtract Dates in Excel

To subtract dates in excel, Carl uses DATEDIF Function. Carl knows from his school excel lessons that he can’t minus dates in excel using the standard “-” sign. We can get the number of days, months or years as the output of this function.

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Formula: =DATEDIF(E6,F6,”d”)

“d” is for days; “m” for months; “y” for years.

Answer: 204 days

Subtract Time in Excel

To subtract time in excel, use the minus “-” in excel.

**Instead of writing time in AM or PM form, write in 24 Hour clock form.

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Formula: =F6-E6

Answer: 15:20:00 which means 15 hours 20 minutes

** Remember to change the format of cells to TIME instead of General. (refer to the below image)

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After the long evening session of teaching Excel to her children, Brenda sits calmly on her chair and enjoys her cup of coffee with some muffins. It’s a perfect end of the day for Brenda.

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